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Educational Services

Starting at

$500 Monthly

Modern interdisciplinary platform for unlimited digital experiences, workplaces, communities

The AlohaCloud platform is a cloud-native-feature, capabilities, and enabling technologies-packed platform to allow customers to rapidly develop and distribute unlimited data and digital experiences. These experiences can be private (behind the login/firewall) or public sites or a mix of both. The use cases that drive these experiences are also unlimited, but some examples include: distributed portals, integrated digital workplaces, facilities management, supplier and partner management, executive KPI sites, smart cities aggregation sites, HR onboarding and training, franchise office portals, investment portals, predictive maintenance sites, smart manufacturing, communications/PR programs, lab trial or innovation hubs, and many more. With a drag-n-drop UX builder, rich and beautiful.

Customer Offer:

unlimited data and digital experiences.

Ways to Engage
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